What makes Scripture inspired and authoritative?

The following piece was a presentation Dr. Joe LaGuardia gave at a recent interfaith dialogue with the Interfaith Network of the Treasure Coast. The topic of the dialogue was “Sacred Texts”.. What is it about the Bible — this text consisting of over 66 books, two testaments, and multiple genres — that makes it bothContinue reading “What makes Scripture inspired and authoritative?”

Is Honesty the Best Preaching Policy?

By Joe LaGuardia They say that, in writing, honesty is the best policy.  Stephen King advises in On Writing that writing is best when it tells the truth.  In Right to Write, Julia Cameron has an entire chapter on honesty and its merits in writing.  Creative writing coaches will tell you, if it ain’t the truth, it ain’tContinue reading “Is Honesty the Best Preaching Policy?”