The Spiritual Work of Becoming

How do you preach a sermon on the art of living? Recently, I preached on the “future vision” of our church and decided against addressing the big things that often come with ministry. I didn’t get into budgets or missions or some far-fetched dream of exponential growth. Instead, I addressed the 10,000 mundane things weContinue reading “The Spiritual Work of Becoming”

The Importance of Interfaith Engagement

In an age of globalization and massive migration, religious radicalism across the world has been increasing over the last half-century.   Religious persecution is a world-wide human rights crisis, and even religions once claimed as most peaceful have resorted to authoritarianism and violence to commit violence against others.  In our own nation, for instance, so-called “ChristianContinue reading “The Importance of Interfaith Engagement”