A Reading Life (prt 12): An Impasse and Seasonal Affective Disorder

By Joe LaGuardia A Reading Life is a blog series focused on the literature that has shaped my life and call to ministry. Find the introduction here. I must apologize, everyone. I have not been in the mood to read or write lately. I blame it on the recliner and cold weather. My cat mayContinue reading “A Reading Life (prt 12): An Impasse and Seasonal Affective Disorder”

A Pastor Appreciates the Hymns: Songs of Christmas, Part 2

By Joe LaGuardia A Pastor Appreciates the Hymns is a series on hymnody and worship in the church.  By incorporating personal testimony and theological reflection, the series draws meaning and strength from sacred songs past and present. So the shepherds went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger.  WhenContinue reading “A Pastor Appreciates the Hymns: Songs of Christmas, Part 2”