Faith and Film (prt. 3): Rocky

By Joe LaGuardia Watching Rocky was a family affair growing up in the LaGuardia household. Not only did we watch every Rocky movie as a family, we literally saw our family in the series reflected back to us. There was Rocky, a metaphoric character for my father. He, like Rocky, lacked certain social graces andContinue reading “Faith and Film (prt. 3): Rocky”

Faith and Film (prt. 1): House

By Joe LaGuardia I took a course on faith and film years ago in college. The conundrum is this: does film reflect society, or does film shape society? Same can be said of faith: How much does media, whether film or otherwise, shape or inform our faith? This series intends to reflect on the filmsContinue reading “Faith and Film (prt. 1): House”