How do you Measure Church Growth during COVID?

For the last three decades, people “doing church” have been trying to measure growth in a post-Christian age.  It is true: for every generation of people that pass, fewer attend church.  Measuring a church’s growth by using the old methods do not work anymore.  The old methods  of measuring growth were, according to us Baptists,Continue reading “How do you Measure Church Growth during COVID?”

Review of “God and the Pandemic”, by N. T. Wright

I always appreciate the writings of N. T. Wright. I first read him in college, when I was investing in historical Jesus studies. Wright’s work, captured in the tomes that are his “Israel and the People of God” series, is captivating, comprehensive, and life-changing. Since then, Wright made it a goal to reach general readers,Continue reading “Review of “God and the Pandemic”, by N. T. Wright”