Ministry to those with Dementia and Alzheimers: Review of “Ministry of the Forgotten,” by Kenneth Carder

By Joe LaGuardia Several years ago, I ran a caregiving ministry for those whose parents were aging (a few had spouses for whom they cared), and I made visitation to their care receivers a top priority. A majority of care receivers suffered from dementia and dementia-related diseases. I assumed that when I visited with theseContinue reading “Ministry to those with Dementia and Alzheimers: Review of “Ministry of the Forgotten,” by Kenneth Carder”

Household Codes, 1 Peter, and the Liberation of a “Text of Terror”

By Joe LaGuardia In a sermon (see below) delivered on 3 May 2020, I explore the meaning– and gospel truth– of “Household codes”, as they are often called:  Those scriptures that inform how Christians are to relate to others, including spouses, governments, and (for slaves) masters and parents in non-Christian settings. The codes are presentContinue reading “Household Codes, 1 Peter, and the Liberation of a “Text of Terror””