Team launches new Vlog for Caregivers and Spirituality

Daphne Reiley  and Rev. Dr. Joe LaGuardia, co-authors of A Tapestry of Love: The Spirituality of Caregiving, are launching a new video blog on YouTube.  The channel is devoted to caregiver spirituality, caregiver resources, ministry helps, and ideas for care-receivers. In their work with caregivers and care-receivers for over a decade, Daphne and Joe bring aContinue reading “Team launches new Vlog for Caregivers and Spirituality”

Tour of Sacred Spaces: Seminaries, Monasteries, and Writer’s Offices, oh my!

I took my annual “pilgrimage” to Atlanta this past week and spent time contemplating sacred spaces. Although the first stop on my tour led to my old seminary whereby I attended a preaching conference, my time began at an interfaith prayer labyrinth we commissioned several years ago. I remember the commissioning like it was justContinue reading “Tour of Sacred Spaces: Seminaries, Monasteries, and Writer’s Offices, oh my!”